Friday, June 25, 2010

Training Time

Today concludes a week of Vacation Bible School. Every morning we have had between 180 -200 children and countless volunteers. Every corner of the buidling and much of the yard has been used. The sounds of excited children and energized leaders fill the halls with chatter, songs and laughter. Annette Siminski tells me around 60% of the children are regular attenders of our ministry and 40% are new friends from the community.

Vacation Bible School is such an important time. It is a powerful expereince impacting the lives of the children. I have a lousy memory but I still have snapshots of times at VBS in my childhood. It is a time when the images of a church being closed and unable to have fun are confronted with the truth. The Bible, snacks, water balloons, songs, cotton candy and bounce houses all become vehicles and experiences of joy and grace. They are a way to share faith through teaching and expereince.

This week I am locked on to the story of the prophet Elijah passing the mantle of prophetic leadership to Elisha. It is found in 2 Kings 2: 1- 14. Of all its great lessons, the key one is this. Faith is not to be lived and then hope someone else picks it up. It is to be handed off intentionally. It requires mentors and mentees. It requires teachers and students. The faith has always been one generation away from extinction.

VBS is one way to provide time and experiences to share faith with others. It is not however, intended to be the aberration . Faith is a life style where believers care enough to prepare others to pick up the mantle of faith in the world. Who are we preparing to become those who will speak, act, witness and serve God in the world?

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Three down, Hundreds to go....

Our church has now finished three of the six mission trips for this summer season. It is not even mid-June and already we have had members of this congregation serving in Illinois, Louisianna and Washington D.C. The faces of those who have gone out to serve in Chirst's name reflect different ages and tenure in this ministry. Some are grandparents and some just starting college. The projects undertaken were different. The stories they bring back to us are different. Yet in them there is a common thread.
Illinois was a time of profound bonding and fellowship. Louisianna was a revelation to the ongoing devastation and divine grace still existing years after Katrina. Washington D.C. was an over the top experience of the mighty power of God's touch blowing through those who went to serve and found themselves the recievers.
We still have three mission events to go. Soon we will launch our junior high youth in a week long introduction of mission in the local area. Eighty plus youth and the adults who will accompany them are headed to Indianapolis in July. Our first Adult righteous mission will be privledged to serve in Flint in just a few weeks.
The trips taken and those yet to come will provide a rich tapestry of witness to the amazing salvific acts God is doing through Christ in the lives of individuals. On August 1 we will give God thanks for the privilege of serving and tell some of the stories. I invite you to continue to keep our mission in prayer.
I also invite each of us to seek out our own mission and service for Christ in the summer ahead. The mission trips of 2010 will not be defined by the six this summer. They will include all the ways we go as a congregation throughout the year to serve Christ. Cass Community, Grace Centers of Hope, Blood Drives, Relay for Life, and so many more events will add to the witness of this congregaiton. Perhaps even more importantly, are the ways individuals will act to help others motivated only because in their hearts they are led by Christ to act.
We can count the mission trips for this summer but never fully capture their impact on the lives of those who serve and are served. We can feel the character of this congregation shaped by the transformational change living in mission we have experienced. We will never know about every act of kindness, mercy and service rendered for the sake of Christ by this congregation. But the world will feel their impact. Christ will bless each one.
If any of you would like to share a story or moment from your mission experience, please tells us by commenting to this post. Thanks in advance for sharing!!!!!