Monday, March 1, 2010

Packing for the Journey

This week I am at Lake Huron Retreat Center, 12 miles north of Port Huron. I am here as a member of the Board of Ordained Ministry for the Detroit Conference. Our primary task this week will be interviewing persons who believe they are called to ordained ministry. It will be a time of discussion, prayer and decision.

We interview candidates on Tuesday and Thursday. On those days, there is an expectation we will dress in a professional manner. For the rest of the time, casual attire is appropriate. The preparation for decision and discernment began at home as I tried to decide what to pack to bring with me. I always over pack for every retreat, no matter where it is or how long it will last. I was determined to bring only the essentials and no more. I may run out of clothes by the end of the week, but at least I can know I felt good about bringing in a small bag!!

Our spiritual life asks us to always pay attention to what we are packing. Are we carrying too much baggage? Have we laid at the foot of Christ what only he can carry and then resisted picking it up again? Are we carrying agenda others have put on us that is taking us away from what God is expecting of us? Are we equipped with prayer, Biblical clarity and holy community?

This Lent is a time for us to prepare ourselves to be equipped for the journey we are on. It is time to be certain we are traveling light enough so if the Holy Spirit calls for a response, we will be ready. It is time to make sure we have in our life what we need to sustain us for times when the journey is in wilderness. I pray you pack well and we all travel faithfully in the days ahead.


  1. Great seeing you at Lake Huron Camp...enjoying the journey and looking forward to ordination in May.


  2. At Thursday's Bible Study, the question was asked, "Share a moment when you truly FELT God CALLING on you". There was an expectation of bright lights, a flash, a puff of smoke? It was specific moments and you knew when they were. I believe He calls on us all the time. Empty your bag (penitence), fill it with His values (relationship), and every days journey (descipleship) will be blessed and heavenly.
