Monday, January 18, 2010

Sin has been givng a bad name

Jesus confused the religious of his day.  They were clear as to what was right and wrong.  They knew the things they needed to do and the things that were forbidden.  When you failed in your obligation or committed an act deemed against God, you were sinning.  Religious education became, in essence, learning what was right according to the Law and what was not acceptable.  Jesus learned these things as a boy. When he became a man, he continued, it appears according to the Gospel record, to observe these commands.  He went to Temple, read from the Torah, and observed the high holidays. 

But he also hung out with people that were considered unacceptable.  He did not keep basic understanding of fulfilling commandments (working on the Sabbath) or prescribed holy practices (such as washing hands or not eating with the unclean).  Jesus was seen as a blasphemer.  He was considered to be in violation of the Law and practices of God’s chosen people.  So he was considered a sinner by some.

Others saw him as a Savior, a healer, a teacher and a Redeemer.  He was to some a Messiah.

When we consider who Jesus is to us, we are sooner or later forced to deal with the question about sin.  There is too often only two choices offered.  Either it is when we do something bad, according to a list the religious have, or it is only in the eyes of the beholder.  One is conforming to practices we are taught that are right or wrong, and the other is letting our own judgment determine for ourselves what is right (ethical, moral, holy) or wrong, (immoral, unethical, sin).  Both definitions miss the point and give sin a bad name.  Each take partial truth and run with it until the truth is lost in practice.

This Sunday, I am preaching a sermon titled, “Sin is not what they told you”.   I invite you to come and join in the conversation and consider perhaps what sin is from a third paradigm, Jesus.  See you in church!

1 comment:

  1. ...waiting to hear more! And celebrating that the comment button now works!
